Wyjątkowe projekty

The key element of the presentation must be unique

the web is a natural place for commerce, advertising and promotion

A website or web page is your most important business card – it should be perfect.

We will make sure to impress your customers and clients by professionally presenting your profile, products or services. We know that how you look on the Internet is very important.

Hundreds of designs and dozens of refined solutions allow us to offer products that work effectively.

Individual, outstanding design

without ready-made templates especially for you

Developed from scratch design that fits your business profile.

Meticulously prepared on the basis of functional schemes, the design will not only be pretty, but also functional and effective. We avoid templates duplicated thousands of times, and our graphic designers know how to design brilliantly.

We create to set you apart from the competition.

Wyróżniające projekty
Łatwa obsługa

Easy, intuitive and user-friendly

leading by the hand

Dedicated structure, interconnectedness – intuitive and as simple as can be. We have mastered to perfection how to prepare the product for a pleasant and uncomplicated operation. A few clicks and, thanks to our solutions, extensive content is created, expressly complementing each other with related elements.

Matching products to the business, services to the customer or the team to a tour is now 2 clicks. Quickly, easily, pleasantly.

Let us know how we can help

let's get to work


If you need an exceptional site you've come to the perfect place

we create unique, functional and modern products

Łatwe w obsłudze


Management as simple as possible. Zero codes, zero problems – click, type, select and let our solutions take care of the rest.

Dopasowana struktura

Tailored structure

Exactly what you need. Whether you sell books, shoes, do design or installation work. We’ll show you how a website can help.

Typy treści i pola danych

Types of content and data fields

From now on, rich descriptions presented in a super-friendly form can be entered by you without any problem. No knowledge of code, no graphical wizards. You select, write, save.



Full consistency (or not, if you wish), change control and the possibility to order translations are standard with us. If you want a foreign-language client to view the page in his language – it’s not a problem – we will switch the version according to his language in the browser.



High readability and clarity are the latest trends we adhere to, but we can also offer mechanisms to change contrast or increase fonts. The guidelines for accessibility (WCAG) can be met.

Prezentacja i sprzedaż

Presentation and sales

A very pleasant, intuitive and nice presentation is extremely important. Whether it’s active points with descriptions visible when the mouse is hovered over, enlargements, tables or data imported from Excel.

Możliwości rozbudowy i pełne wsparcie

Development possibilities and support

We fully support our products by guaranteeing possibilities for development and extensive changes. Things not available with ready-made templates are standard with us.

Wyróżniające się

Outstanding in every way

It is the competition that should chase you, not the other way around. We will do everything to make this happen. Let us outdistance it in our area of operation.

Responsywne i nowoczesne

Responsive and modern

The latest, proven technologies prepared for all screen sizes. Tested on all popular browsers.

Przyjazne wyszukiwarkom, seo friendly

Search engine friendly

Fast, readable and with solutions to quickly create content-rich documents. Automatic SEO analysis.

Relacje i użyteczna automatyzacja

Relations and useful automation

Any combination of services, products, industries, applications, specialists and whatever else you need. Type once, and with a few clicks indicate what should be presented with what, receiving content-rich documents for customers and search engines.

We have solutions for specific requirements

A slightly different form of service?


Blogs and news websites

if you want to inform, educate, advertise or sell

find out more

Landing page

simplicity without distractions - we effectively fight for conversions

find out more

Online stores

selling, effective, working for you

find out more

It does not matter where you are from

location is not a problem

We are an interactive agency from Cracow, Poland, however, the characteristics of our services allow us to provide them worldwide. We successfully work for companies from Europe, Asia and America.

The procedures for starting the operations are as simple, nice and fast as possible. All you need is a few questions, directions and definition of the goal – we will take care of the rest. We have prepared everything you need to meet your needs in an accessible form.

We focus on pleasant cooperation. We advise the best market solutions based on our knowledge and experience in similar projects. We increase the chances of your success.

Our websites are not only about the design and its implementation – they are also about key advice, tips and avoiding mistakes very often made by inexperienced contractors.

Why Epoka?

we take care of your business, we are experienced and reliable

Our team are specialists who care about quality and your success.

Several years of experience collected from the time when the Internet and graphics displayed on monitors were still being born has resulted in a unique knowledge that allows us to offer projects that are not only pretty, but also work effectively.


Whatever your goal is – we will advise, design and implement the best solutions offering a whole range of good ideas, designs and technological innovations.

We focus on pleasant relations that work well in cooperation with both small businesses and larger companies.



Our selected projects

selected websites created by us

We will take care of everything

just let us know about you




    regarding valuations, we encourage you to fill out the form
    this form

    Dane adresowe


    30-702 Cracow, ul. Lipowa 3/416, Poland

    In order to arrange a meeting, please contact us in advance contact

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